Browse Category Use Cases

Autonomous Agents for boosting Minerals Industry KPIs

Tuning, re-Tuning and squeezing Process Setpoints My career started on the floor of a cement factory when I had to support engineers & technical personnel with the configuration & installation of VFDs & PLC systems. The advantage was that starting from the factory floor, bottom-up, would eventually lead to better understanding of production downtime, sudden […]

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Autonomous Agents can boost Wind Energy value

Game-Changing Renewables This will be the first post covering technical depth in using Decision-Making agents for Wind Farms. We decided to cover the use of Wind Farm due to their price plummeting for the recent 10 years, which made it considerably, a feasible alternative for fossil-fueled of combined-cycle power plants. Furthermore, the baseline for our […]

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From raw sensory input to motor output

RL & Engineering-Free Discipline Richard Sutton, the father of Reinforcement Learning (RL) argued that the main reason of RL is that, with enough sensory capability, a motor output can be built without the need for any intervention from engineering or any other tricky process. This, of course, for the skeptics in academe and industrial administrators […]

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